Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Never Never and Almost there...

Soooooo, fast approaching is my next show. Seeing as I'm sending out the press release to the earth and it's mother I thought it apt to add it to the blogroll FYI (that's short and speedy for ; FOR YOUR INFORMATION... just.so.you.know.) Also attached see a preview of the cover of the publication which will be available for sale at the venue all week. I'm co cited!

Never Never and Elsewhere is an Irish literary journal dedicated to publishing creative autobiographical and memoir writings by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and trans writers. The title of Volume II is 'Memoirs of Youth' and includes writings from Senator David Norris, Ailbhe Smyth, Ciarán Rua, Stephen Quinn and Gillian Watt, amongst others.

Working with curator and visual artist Áine Macken, 'Memoirs of Youth' has collected imagery from seven artists. Facilitated by Exchange Dublin, there will be a dedicated location to launch the limited edition publication with exciting new work both being exhibited and within the publication itself.

Artists include Peter Fingleton, Catherine Harty, Gerry Lee, Kieran McBride, Katherine Nolan and TuMeTues, along with a new body of work from Áine Macken's own practice. There will be workshops and events occurring throughout the week including a special workshop from Gerry Lee (a recent graduate with an MA in Art Therapy) on Wednesday at 7pm. The night of Saturday the 19th of February will see Katherine Nolan perfoming a brand new piece along with selected personal readings from the journal from 7pm.

All contributors are responding to the theme of the collection and viewers can expect both written and visual works operating within the complicated sphere of the memoir, the record, and the creative response to one's influence and history.

"All profits from sales of 'Memoirs of Youth' will be donated to BeLongTo. For more information about the launch events, the publication and how to purchase it, visit www.neverneverandelsewhere.com."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Arty Bitznitz

new artypoo by memememememe

Hello Blog!

I know, I've been distant. I recently suspended my Facebook account and have started living a real human lady life. It's very exciting. I eat a lot of Pork. I've also been obsessively painting and am indulging in this new found private life by being somewhat productive. I now read too! Not that it will expand my vocabulary all that much, I suspect when I detail you with my next exhibtion (below) I will use the word interesting at least twelve times. But if Máire Macken is correct... I'm adorably inarticulate, and my Mother loves me for it, and she doesn't lie to me.

This penchant for adorable inarticulation has clearly led to a flattering invitation to design the cover, and curate a show to coincide with the launch of Never Never and Elsewhere Volume II. This will take place in Exchange Dublin from the 14th to the 20th of February. I would love you to come I would. (I am conscious I am really inviting myself here as I doubt anyone else is reading this, but me and me are gonna have a faboo time, might bring the mammy too!).

Never Never and Elsewhere is a beautiful queer publication of short pieces from contributors such as Ailbhe Smyth, Ciarán Rua Ó Néill, Senator David Norris and Gillian Watt amongst others. Having consulted with the editors, I had the opportunity to read all of the pieces before embarking on creating my own response to this publication's theme, that being 'Memoirs of Youth'. The standard of written work is phenomenal, (I GOT EMOTIONAL DOODS, there were TEARBALLS FALLING FROM THE EYEBALLS) and with all proceeds going to BelongTo, I felt that it was important to add a visual dimension, not only from the cover, but from contributing artists that I deemed apt as respondants. I then embarked upon inviting some of the artists I most admire to create work for the show. What has resulted is something I am brimming with delight, anticipation, pride, terror, (ALL THOSE BIG EMOTIVE WORDBALLS) over.

There will be a reading evening from some of the written contributors, along with a live performance from Katherine Nolan on Saturday the 19th of February from 7pm. Sneak peek an image of hers below!! WEEE!

Here's a brief look at some other examples of the imagery to expect! SQWEEEEEEEEEEEEE, excited juice pee pees EVERYWHERE. Have to leave some surprises, though! But other artists include Kieran McBride, Tu Me Tues, Peter Fingleton and a whole new body of work from lil ole Macken.

Gerry Lee

Catherine Harty

If you'd like a proper real human lady invite to the show send me your email address at info@ainemacken.com