My niece... She's an adult now, it's horrendous. Well, she, she was telling me about Valentine's Day. Apparently it's a splendid sojourn into love and life, direct quote.. (i would havard reference it BUT I WAS NEVER ARSED DURING MY MASTERS so why begin i say) "You'd love it Áine! It's like Love Actually, but it's ON VALENTINE'S DAY."
Well you know what? I'm not convinced I would Bláithín Macken Smith. I'm sitting here on my salacious red couch casually not watching hit mooovie Laws of Attraction, oh ho ho it's a lark! They just went to Oireland so they did, Pierce Brosface is from there you know... Lucky Man. From Navan I hear. Which is a palindrome, which I enjoy. Unlike this filum. It's casually ripping my face off actually. And THOUGH I do believe in love. I'm not sure this is the kind of love I was thinking about. BUT HARK, Julianne Moore is in it. Do you know what Julianne Moore is also in? Correct! Far from Heaven. A. Good. Film. Very Good Indeed. One of the best films actually. If you ask me. Probably a lot better of a reflection of the actual complexities of loving someone. That all sounds frightfully archaic and uninteresting though doesn't it.(question mark un-necessary due to complete rhetoricality of that statement) Erich Fromm's "The Art of Love", sounds like a guide to the mysteries of the clitoris (WHICH IT COULD BE), but no no, I jest, he is a psychoanalyst who speaks at length about the potency and significance of LOVE
"Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness."
I'm not sure the Laws of Attraction is giving me anything. It is a dubiously soothing background noise though. i think it's the smooshy swooshy music. I'm glad my life is not smooshy swooshy. It's full of AGONY and TERROR and laughter and drinks and irritation and embarrassment and tastes and joys and soft soft skin and warm baths and delicately dropping various things on my tongue. Incidentally, all this mention of giving reminds me of my birthday fast approaching..... WINK WINK. I'll update this blog thing about Mackey Monster soon. Yes I will.
KISSES. Ooooh blog cherry POPPED. I'm only 14 years behind all the KUL KIDZ (sp?)
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